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Black Animals Need Love Too

owning Black pets is Dark & Lovely

With the October release of our new soap, the Black-A-Tea Black facial bar, 3 Cords Creations is celebrating all things ebony, midnight and wonderfully dark. Like our animals!

Discrimination against black pets is real

Black pets are discriminated against in shelters. I read that and went through a series of thoughts, flabbergasted:

  • That’s silly and surely isn’t true.
  • Damn. Really?
  • Sadness for black pets and humanity.
  • Gratitude for my pets, most of which happen to be blackety black.

I can’t say that I understand discrimination based on color for people either, but for cats and dogs? It’s funny when Michael Scott is a “little stitious,” not superstitious, but this is a real thing. Psychology Today explains how most people have negative feelings about los gatos negros.

Our household has three large dogs, mostly dark, and several sterilized cats in, out and around our abode. Besides the orange and lovely, Romeow (also the only male) all of our animals have darker colored fur. This wasn’t intentional.

Pepper the Pitty & Candy the Kitty, both are mine, found me. One was a re-homing situation, the other just wandered up hungry and skittish. Marla is the hound mix brought home from the shelter the day of her surgery and Hagrid, the Rottweiler in Heaven, was also a re-home.

The article I shared above mentions how black animals’ expressions are harder to read. I can hear my Candy purring from across a room. I look deeply into Pepper’s eyes often. Easy to see how they feel from my perspective. Do they photo well? My photos aren’t too shabby! Also, is this how we choose our life companions, by how photogenic they are? (Some of y’all, please don’t answer that one… we know the truth because we see your mate.)

Candy is recovering from her sterilization nicely.

Today is low-key the release day for our Pampered Paws Balm & Good Dog Soap… check them out for soft, cuddly fur babies of any color.